Want to get plagiarism free dissertation of top-notch quality?

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Frequently Asked Questions

As soon as you decide to place an order at one of the best writing services DissertationWritings.com, feel welcome to visit the Order page. There, you will see a simple form consisting of several fields, in which you will be asked to provide the necessary information. If you'd like to learn more about the order processing, please view our page How it works.
Please note that the more detailed information you provide, the better will be the product delivered to you. You will save time if you specify all the necessary details from the beginning.
After filling in the form, you proceed to payment, which will be based on the following factors: the academic level, the deadline, the subject, the type of your work, the number of pages, and on the extras you may order with your paper. You can find more information here.

Our service is pre-paid, so the writer starts working on your assignment only after the payment is made. However, you are completely protected as you can send the order for up to 3 revisions before approving it and even within 7 days after approval. You can read more about our Money Back Guarantee here.

Sure, as our writers are proficient in dissertations, they can also write many other types of papers like essays, research papers, resumes, application letters, case studies, and others. Just ask our customer support team if a writer is available for your type of assignment.

Progressive delivery is a convenient feature for all our clients. With its help, you can divide the payment, as well as the task completion itself, into several parts. This way, you will be able to manage your time effectively and be sure that you will get exactly what you want!

When you place your order, your personal account will be created. You can communicate with the writer assigned to your case and give all the necessary instructions. The work on your order will start as soon as the payment will be made; a countdown to deadline will also begin then.
Once your paper is ready, you'll receive a notification in the Files section of your personal account as well as an email notification. You will then be able to study the paper and ask for any revisions if necessary. When you are completely satisfied with its quality, press the Approve button and receive an MS Word version.

Rest assured that your identity will remain undisclosed with DissertationWritings.com confidential assistance. To learn about all the details, consult Privacy Policy.

The prices for our services may be higher than on some other websites. The option we offer is one of the best if we are talking about getting a product of high quality without paying extra. At DissertationWritings.com, we offer an individual approach, prime level of quality and timely delivery. All your instructions will be followed, and we guarantee no plagiarism.
Remember that hardly any service can boast of such a high level of quality for such a low price. When you pay DissertationWritings.com, you hire real professionals with vast experience and devotion to what they do.

Any customer can receive 5% discount if the price of the order exceeds $500; a 10% discount is available if the price of the order exceeds $1000. All the details of our discount system are available on this page.
If you think that you qualify for a discount, contact our Customer Support Representatives.

These pages are included in the cost of the order. Depending on the requested format, our writer will complete the title page as well as the reference or works cited page free of charge.

We have developed a clear Money back guarantee, which you are welcome to view. If you read it, you'll see that in case your paper doesn't satisfy you, a 100% DissertationWritings refund is possible.

DissertationWritings.com dissertation service has succeeded to gather a strong team of highly professional writers who are completely devoted to their work and dedicate all their time and effort to it. They are all Ph.D. degree holders and possess the necessary knowledge and skills to perform this work at the highest possible level. You can view detailed information on our writing staff on the page Our writers.

After we receive the payment, we start choosing the best suitable writer for your order. You can track the status of your order in the control panel. Once a writer is assigned, the status bar will show “Writer Assigned”.

Absolutely! You can talk to your writer through the messaging system in your personal account. Still, you can be sure that your personal information will remain confidential as your writer will see neither your name nor your location. More information considering privacy issues is available in our Privacy Policy.

No. All the orders completed by our writers are completely unique and original. Using a trusted plagiarism detection system allows us to avoid any instances of plagiarism. We pay proper attention to this issue as we understand how important original dissertations for each and every student are.
It is widely known that schools, colleges and universities now use plagiarism detection software to check students' works for originality. The plagiarism checker we scan our papers with is better than the ones used by colleges as it is original and well-thought-out. It doesn't store the checked texts in any database, which allows us to check any texts as many times as needed with the highest percentage of accuracy.
Bear in mind that when ordering services like editing and proofreading, you are liable to provide an original paper; otherwise, we won't be able to help you.

We guarantee that your paper will be custom-written. All our dissertations are written from scratch and are not kept in any database. Your work will be yours and only yours, since we value each and every customer and strive to make all of them satisfied.

After approval you will receive the final version of your paper in a word document (doc/docx). If you specified a different type of paper, you will receive the final file as ppt/pptx/xls/xlsx… The format of the paper will be as you requested in the order form: MLA/APA/Chicago/Harvard or any other needed.

There are a number of options to choose from. All our orders are delivered before the deadline. Still, it is highly recommended that you indicate the delivery time in advance before the date you need to hand in the document. This way, you will be on the safe side and will have enough time to check your paper and ask for any revisions if necessary.

Once the first draft is delivered to you, you can always send it back for a revision up to three times for free. Just tell the writer what needs to be perfected and he will make the necessary changes. Our only request is that the revision instructions do not contradict the initial ones.

You can upload all the necessary materials to your personal account. It has the File Upload section. Whenever you need to add any information, you are welcome to communicate with your writer and our Customer Support Representatives as well as upload all the necessary files.

In this case, use the Forgot Password? option on the login page. If you press it, you will be asked to specify your email; a message will be sent to you with all the necessary information for restoring your password.

If such a situation arises, contact our Customer Support Representatives and explain the situation to them. Your case will be analyzed, and you will be contacted immediately.
The deadline can be missed due to the following reasons: the writer has failed to complete your order on time or because you haven't provided him with all the necessary instructions on time. Whatever the reason, you will need to specify a new deadline for this particular order; we will recalculate the price if it happened because of our fault. For additional information on all the possible solutions, view our Money back guarantee.

Yes, they are. If they are not satisfied with what they receive, they are free to ask for one of our three free revisions. For additional information on revisions, view our Revision policy. In case the client isn't satisfied with his paper, he can get a full or a partial refund (the amount of refund is based on our Money back guarantee).

To make your paper flawless as for grammar and punctuation, we have launched a special Editor's check extra you can add to your order in the control panel. Due to this will be additionally proofread by an expert editor once the writer completes your order.

We hope that you will give us a chance to surprise you with our professionalism! Also, benefit from our awesome discounts:

discount 5%

If the order is more than $500,
you get a 5% discount

discount 10%

If the order is more than $1000,
you get a 10% discount